- Develop Idea for Report
- Look at information in List View ---Under Layout
Menu Choose List
- If needed show all records --under Organize
- What is important? How many fields?
- Create Sort
- New Sort
- move over field and title- decide ascending or
- Create Search
- Look at your records in List View. --Under Layout
- Go to the Sort you are using for this report.
--Sort Icon and choose sort
- Decide which field or fields you are going to use
in your search.
- Decide what your search criteria will be.
- number search: >500
- word search: Nike
- Go to the "Search" icon and choose "New
- Title your search. Be descriptive, example:
"Highest Profit Items"
- Plug in the criteria for your search. Select the
appropriate field or fields and plug in
- To view search go back to "Search" icon and choose
the search. If the search did not work you can go to
"Search" icon and choose "Edit Search" and try to fix
it (Claris Works 5).
- Create Layout
- New Layout-title the same name as field
- Choose Columnar
- Decide which fields to use in layout. Item,
Profit, etc.
- Edit layout-
- Layout Menu-Layout
- look and fields (currency, fixed)
- Create Report
- New Report
- Title and set criteria