Clothing of Venezuela
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There are many handicrafts unique to Venezuela that are made by local Indian tribes. Good purchases are gems and jewelery, cacique coins, gold, pearls, pompom slippers, seed necklaces, shoes and handbags, Indian bows, arrows, mats, pipes and baskets, alpargatas (traditional local footwear of the Campesinos), chinchorros (local hammocks) and many other Indian goods.
Climate: With it close to the equator, the temperature is fairly regular throughout the year, but does vary with altitude. The dry season is from December to April and the rainy time is the rest of the year. The mountain areas receive great amounts of rain. Clothing: Casual
clothes are worn in Caracas. A jacket and tie should be worn at social functions and when dining in restaurants. Both men and women wear suits at business meetings. Casual business clothes has never taken hold, as professionals tend to believe that they should look the part at all times. Despite the tropical climate, businesspeople turn out in suits and ties or stylish dresses. Many restaurants and discos require a jacket (though perhaps not a tie) for men, and women should be spiffed up. We also recommend casual wear for sightseeing.