Day 3 - Travel to Barcelona
It is rumored that two of the adults found a local restaurant that served bacon, eggs, and hash browns. I could not verify the rumor since I did not know the Spanish word for bacon. However, I did learn that "oink oink" is a universal sound ; )

An early start loading the bus (8 am) and we were on our way across Spain heading for Barcelona. Loading the bus was organized chaouse. What are you looking at Andrew?

The countryside in Spain looked much like the countryside found in Arizona and New Mexico. Spanish countryside.

Saragossa: a brief stop at the Bacilica allowed us to eat lunch and visit the old church. Mr. & Mrs. Vreeland pause in front of the Bacilica.

Barcelona - On the way into the city, we made a very breif stop (Someone was late (qt required) for the bus but we will not dwell on that here) at the Barcelona Cathedral. What a beautiful cathedral. Part of the construction dates back to 1298 with the Gothic portion being completed in 1459. Then on to our hotel. Hotel Ronda. The hotel sat just off a main artery and opened onto a small plaza. Much better than the hotel in Madrid. Air conditioned, plumbing and elevators that worked. Great location also.

Walking through the streets of Barcelona on our way to the Rambla. The streets are dark and narrow (notice the black iron posts used to protect pedestians from cars!!) and many of them do not connect directly to another street.

We walked the Rambla the first evening in Barcelona, ending up at the city docks on the Mediterranian. The Rambla is considered the centre of the city and the central section is dotted with kiosks selling flowers, animals, magazine, and cafes. What an awesome place. Vendors, mimes (can you figure out which one is the mime?), and people everywhere. Hey, put the money in the cup!!

Day 4
