Instructions on How to Use Search Engines.

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Alta Vista
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All-In-One is a multiple search engine. These engines are searched simultaneously: A2Z, Aliweb, Alta Vista, Excite, EINET Galaxy, Hot Bot, InfoSeek, Inktomi, Lycos, Magellan-McKinley, MetaCrawler, NLightN, Open Text, Savvy Search, Webcrawler, WWW Worm, Who's Who on the Internet.


The search results are displayed separately by search engine.

Alta Vista Alta Vista does full text indexing of over 30 million URLs.


Relevant documents are displayed first.The Compact Display option includes: title, date, and the first few words from the page all arranged in one or two lines. The Detailed Display option includes: title, URL, date, and the first several lines of text from the document.

Simple Search

" " are used to search for a specific phrase.

"cancer research"

Word proximity searching is available. Required or prohibited words are searchable. Wildcard searching (truncation) is available after a root of three characters.


Searches may be limited by field: title, URL, etc.

OR is the default Boolean operator.

+ plus in front of a word required the word to be present.

+soccer +rules

Advanced Search

Boolean operators of AND, OR, NOT, and NEAR are available (upper or lower case).

Punctuation is ignored.

Parentheses are used to separate concepts with using more than one Boolean operator. Nesting examples:

(cat OR kitten OR feline) AND leukemia

kayak AND "San Juan Islands"

vegetables AND NOT "brussel sprouts"

Searches may be limited by date according to the date the document was indexed by Alta Vista.

Wildcard searching (truncation) is available after a root of three characters.

Relevancy Ranking Criteria is a clickable option on the search form to limit search results.

Don't use hyphens to separate words.

Generally, use lower case unless it's a proper noun. For example,

turkey retrieves turkey and Turkey

Turkey retrieves only Turkey

Searches may be limited by title, URL, hyperlink, etc. The field names must be in lower case, followed by a colon with no spaces. For example,


applet:Nervous Text


text:algol 68

title:"The Wall Street Journal"



Beaucoup is a multiple search engine that lists 500 search engines. It is also multilingual. Each engine is search independently.

The index listing of categories helps users find the right search engine by general subject or category: general engines, multiple engine searches, review sites, media, geographically specific, software, reference/language/literature, education/schools, music/sounds, arts/graphics, science/nature/technology, e-mail/domains/phone numbers for people/organizations, Internet/WWW, computers/programming, politics/government, health/medicine/foods & diet, hobbies/games/recreation/pets/entertainment, potpourri, employment, business/malls/classified.


Excite has done full text indexing of over 12 million web sites. Some sources are reviewed. It also uses concept-based indexing and searching. "Artificial intelligence" determines the theme or concept in a homepage then selects the lines for the summary that best contain these terms and it also indexes the relevant keywords.


Relevant documents are displayed first with the percentage of relevancy displayed on the left.

10 documents are displayed at a time.

Display may include title, URL, brief summary or review.

Clickable option of More Like This is used for further concept-based searching.

Simple Search

Browsable and searchable subject categories are available: arts, business, computing, education, entertainment, health, hobbies, investing, law, life and style, magazines, movies, music. news, people pages, politics, regional, science, shopping, sports.

Exact word or phrase plus related concepts are searched.

Results are sorted by relevance.

Capitalize the first letter of proper nouns. (case sensitive)

Automatic truncation is done (plurals automatically searched).

OR is by default and is the only Boolean operator available.

Select NetSearch to search non-reviewed sources.

Select NetDirectory to search or browse reviewed sources.

Concept-based searching is available. Related terms are automatically identified and searched for the user.

Advanced Search

+ plus in front of a word or phrase to return a specific word or phrase.

+soccer +rules

- minus in front of a word or phrase to ensure it's not in the documents retrieved.

+soccer -equipment -supplies

Boolean operators AND, AND NOT, OR must be in all caps.

wizard AND oz

cat OR kitten

pets AND NOT dogs

Parentheses are used to separate concepts with using more than one Boolean operator. Nesting examples:

(cat OR kitten OR feline) AND leukemia

Hot Bot

Over 54 million web sites are indexed.


Three options are available: full description, brief description, URLs only.

Simple Search

Search options include searching:

all the words

any of the words

exact phrase


links to the URL

Boolean expression

Advanced Search

The modify button lets the user narrow the scope of the word or phrase entered on the main screen. The options are:

must contain

must not contain

should contain

Date searching is available by entering dates before or after the desired date of web site publication. Within The Last may also be used for a specific time span.

Capitalization is generally ignored. Exceptions are made. For example, a search for the company NeXT will not retrieve the word next.

CyberPlace restricts the search to a specific Internet domain or suffix. For example: .edu, .gov

GeoPlace targets the search by regional Internet suffix. For example: au for Australia, uk for United Kingdom.

Media Type targets pages with images, JavaScript, audio. etc.

Searching may be done for file types by extension. For example: .txt, .jpg, .gif


InfoSeek has done full text indexing of 1 million web pages, FTP and gopher resources. InfoSeek uses a meta tag for creating summaries or it uses the first 250 characters of a homepage if no meta tag is present. Users may search for up to 100 hits for free; beyond that, it is a fee-based service.

Simple Search

The subject directory can be used to browse or search: arts, business (news), computers (news), education, entertainment (news), health, hobbies and interests, Internet (news), politics (news), science, sports (news), travel.

Pull-down search options include: Web sites, usenet newsgroups, timely news, e-mail addresses, company profiles, web FAQs.

Use commas to separate lists of names.

Bozo, Ronald McDonald

InfoSeek searches exact word or phrase.

Capitalize proper nouns.

Proximity searching is available.

Can limit search to only reviewed pages.

Advanced Search

" " quotes around words next to each other

- hyphen between words if close to each other in the order entered


[ ] brackets around words near each other in any order

[cancer research grants]

+ plus in front of a word or phrase to return a specific word or phrase.

+soccer +rules

- minus in front of a word or phrase to ensure it's not in the documents retrieved.

+soccer -equipment -supplies

Searches may be restricted to four fields. The field names must be in lower case, followed by a colon with no spaces.


title:"The Wall Street Journal"

NOTE: There is no Boolean or wildcard searching.


Lycos indexes over 16 million sites or about 91% of the Internet. Full text indexing is done on 3.6 million sites. This indexing includes title, URL, headings, subheadings, the first 20 lines of text, and the 100 most "weighty" words.


Search display options are standard or detailed.

Hits are sorted by a relevancy ranking according to where a searched word appears in a document. Example: title, header, text.

The display includes: match score, number of links, document title, headings, abstract, URL, length of the document.

Simple Search

Search options include: top news, city guide, sites by subject, top 5% sites, stock find, companies, pictures, sounds, people find, point review, road maps, free software.

- minus is used for a NOT search.

bank -river

. period is used after a keyword for an exact match.

bank. (this retrieves only bank and not banks, banking, banker, etc.)

$ dollar sign is used for truncation.


AND, OR Boolean operators are available.

Level of match may be set--either loose or close.

Multiple search concepts and synonyms can be combined.

Automatic truncation is done.

Included is the A2Z search engine which is a subject based directory of popular pages from the Lycos database that can be searched by keyword.


Magellan is an online guide to the Internet that includes original editorial content, a directory of rated and reviewed Internet sites, a vast database of yet-to-be-reviewed sites, and a search engine. Magellan includes Web sites, FTP and gopher servers, newsgroups, and Telnet sessions. Reviewers evaluate each Web site using this criteria--Is it comprehensive and up-to-date? Is it well-organized and easy to navigate? Is it innovative? Is it thought-provoking? Does it offer new technology or a new way of using technology?


Results are ranked by relevancy.

Simple Search

The subject directory can be used to browse or search: arts, business, communications, computing, daily living, economics, education, employment, entertainment, environment, food, health, humanities, Internet, KidZone, law, mathematics, music, news, politics, pop culture, science, spirituality, sports, technology, travel.

Users can search all of the database, reviewed sites, or search by the review rating.

Words are case insensitive.

+ plus in front of a word or phrase to return a specific word or phrase.

+soccer +rules

- minus in front of a word or phrase to ensure it's not in the documents retrieved.

+soccer -equipment -supplies

A list of related topics is included with each search result.

A Green Light next to a review site shows that the http contains no material for mature audiences (this does not extend to the hyperlinks within the document).

Open Text

OpenText does full text indexing of over 1.5 million web sites, FTP sites, and gopher servers. It indexes every word and sorts to 40 different types of files. It is a multilingual search engine.


Short summaries are included which are based on the first 100 words of the document.

Simple Search

Exact word or phrase is searchable.

Don't enter words as hyphenated.

Advanced Search

There are two types of advanced searches: Power and Weighted.

Power Search

Boolean operators of AND, OR, NOT, NEAR, and FOLLOWED BY are available.

cancer OR oncology AND research

cancer NEAR research NEAR grant

Field searching is available where searches can be done anywhere on the document--summary, title, first level heading, URL, hyperlinks within the document.

It doesn't search for plurals automatically. Singular and plural word forms must be entered.

Weighted Search

The user can assign importance to a word or phrase.

User can select where in the web page the search will be conducted. The number is then entered in the weight box on the search screen.

Only four search terms may be entered.


SavvySearch is a multiple search engine. These engines are searched simultaneously: Aliweb, Alta Vista, Deja News, Excite, EINET Galaxy, Four11, InfoSeek, Inktomi, Internet Movie Database, LookUP!, Lycos, Magellan, NlightN, Open Text, Webcrawler, WhoWhere?, Yahoo, Yellow Pages.


Results may be displayed separately by each search engine or as a combined list.


Brief--title, URL, search engine that returned it and links to all search engines used in the search.

Normal--size, length, score, date, type, author, location, descriptive information, abstract.

Verbose--this displays fields that don't fit either of the above categories.


Multilingual searching is available.

Search options include:

all query terms

as a phrase

any query term

Search results may be integrated by search engine.

No Boolean operators. Savvy is case insensitive.

Savvy determines which engine will best answer the query based upon past results on similar searches and on current turn-around time of individual search engines.

WWW Worm

The WWW allows users to locate almost any WWW hypertext (text seen underlined in a web browser) or URL by specifying keywords.

Simple Search

There are four search options: all URL references, all URL addresses, only document titles, only document addressees.

Keywords are not case sensitive. AND, OR Boolean operators are available.



Titles are displayed with the option of showing summaries and relevance score.

An option is available to find Similar Pages (a form of concept-based searching).

Simple Search

The subject directory can be used to browse or search: arts and literature, business and finance, chat, computers, daily news, education, entertainment, games, government, health and medicine, Internet, kids and families, life and culture, recreation, reference desk, science, sports, travel.

Titles or summaries may be searched.

Words that appear next to each other (or a phrase) are searchable.

AND, OR, NOT, NEAR Boolean operators are available. The NEAR operator can be modified so that words are X number of words apart.

arthritis near/25 nutrition

ADJ operators search for words next to each other in the order entered.

global ADJ warming

" " quotes may be used to search for a phrase.

"1996 World Series"

Parentheses are used for nesting when more than one Boolean operator is used.

(cat OR kitten) AND leukemia


Subject categories include: Yahoo Categories, Web Sites, News, Net Events.


Results are displayed by relevance.

Simple Search

Pull-down search options include:

exact phrase

all words (AND)

any word (OR)

person's name

Advanced Search

+ plus in front of a word means that the word must appear in the document.

- minus in front of a word means that the word must not appear in the document.

[t] in front of a word means that the word must appear in the title only.

[u] in front of a word means that the word must appear in the document URL only.

" " quotes mean that the exact word or phrase must appear.

* an asterisk indicates wildcard searching.

NOTE: If using more that one of the above operators, they must be entered in the order listed here.

Search results may be restricted to documents more recent than a certain date.


This engine is recommended for ages 8-14.

Simple Search

A subject index is available for browsing or searching.

Yahooligans queries are case insensitive.

A word of phrase is searchable.

It finds only the first 100 matches and then stops the search.

January 1997, Information supplied by Heartland AEA 11.

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