All About the Country
Japan is located in the continent Asia. Japan's name means sun's origin. Theses are some Japanese letter that the Japanese people use.
These are some Japanese letters. It took many years to figure out what these letters mean.  There are  many people that use the Japanese letters. Japanese people eat a lot of rice. When they eat they don't use regular spoons and forks like we are used to. They use chopsticks which are two wooden sticks that they pick up their food with. Chinese people wear street clothes. They wear the same kind of clothes as us but they look different. Legend attributes the creation of Japan to the sun goddess, from whom the emperors were descended. The first of them was Jimmu, supposed to have ascended the throne in 660 B.C., a tradition that constituted official doctrine until 1945.

japan flag
This a picture of the Japan flag. It is very very simple only a white flag with a red dot in the middle of it.

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