Carroll 8th Grade Technology Literacy Self-Assessment


Please answer the following questions as it relates to using technology by putting an X in the appropriate place.


1. Including this school year, how many years have you attended Carroll? _____


2. How often do you use the Internet from home? (Select one)

            ___ Daily or almost daily

            ___ One or more times per week

            ___ One or more times per month

            ___ Less than monthly

            ___ We have the Internet at home but I never use it.

            ___ We do not have the Internet at home.


3. How often do you use the Internet at school? (Select one.)

            ___ Daily or almost daily

            ___ One or more times per week

            ___ One or more times per month

            ___ Less than monthly

            ___ We have the Internet at home but I never use it.

            ___ We do not have the Internet at home.


4. How much time per week do you use technology while at school? (Select one)

            ___ Not at all

            ___Less than 30 minutes per week

            ___30-60 minutes per week

            ___ 1-2 hours per week

            ___ More than 2 hours per week


5. Which of the following devices have you used while at Carroll? (List all the ones you’ve used.)

            ___ Computer

            ___ Computer devices (scanners, printers, etc.)

            ___ Digital Still Camera

            ___ Video Camera

            ___ Global Positioning Systems (GPS – either online or a device)

            ___ Personal Digital Assistant (PDA)

            ___ Graphing Calculator

            ___ VCR/CD/DVD

            ___ Probes (temperatures, pH, etc.)


6. How often do you use technology in your classes at school to do the following? (N/A = Not Applicable)









a. Communicate with experts, peers and others (email, discussion boards, ICN, etc.)







b. Solve real-world problems (involving situations, issues, and tasks that people actually tackle in the outside world)







c. Produce print products (brochures, papers, etc.)














d. Produce multi-media, Web , or presentation products (mPower, etc.)







e. Conduct online research







f. Use simulations and modeling







g. Use the Internet to collaborate with students in or beyond your school







h. Visually represent or investigate concepts through concept mapping, graphing, reading charts, using spreadsheets and/or software programs like Inspiration.







i. Use digital tools and peripheral devices (digital cameras, probes, scanners) to enhance learning or school work








7. Which technologies have you used while attending school at Carroll? (Check all that apply.)

            ___ Word processing (Appleworks Word Processing)

            ___ Spreadsheets (Appleworks Spreadsheet)

            ___ Database software (Appleworks Database)

            ___ Web browsers like Internet Explorer (including book-marking, “back” or “home” features)

            ___ Presentation software (mPower, etc.)

            ___ Multimedia editing or authoring tools (mPower, Enhance, Appleworks Paint)

            ___ Electronic information sources (EBSCO, clipart online, United Streaming)


8. While at school I understand and follow legal and ethical rules concerning: (Check all that apply.)

            ___ Electronic harassment (spam, threatening conversations)

            ___ Inappropriate language on the computer

            ___ Passwords and privacy of others’ files

            ___ Copyright and citation of sources including print and music files (no illegal downloading)

            ___ Plagiarism (using other people’s work and failing to let others know where you got the information)


9. I learn how to use technology from: (Check all that apply)

            ___ Other students

            ___ Classroom teachers

            ___ Computer Lab teachers

            ___ Technology coordinator

            ___ Library media specialist














10. Which best describes your skill level with each of the following technologies?



No Skill

Limited Skill

Advanced Skill

     Basic Computer Use

Properly start and shut down the computer




Open, use and close a program




Use keyboard and mouse




Use more than one program at a time




Use a CD




Learn new programs/features on my own





No Skill

Limited Skill

Advanced Skill

     File Management

Select, open and save documents to the network




Create my own folders for organizing my files




Save appropriate files and delete those I don’t need




Use school district network (server)  to move files and maintain my own files and folders




     Word Processing





Create, save, and print




Format a Word Processed document (spell check, alignment, fonts, tabs, etc.)




Insert multimedia (pictures, animations and charts, etc.)








Create a spreadsheet using formulas

Create a function formula (sum, average)




Create and modify a chart








Create a database with fields and records  

Create sorts and searches




Create layouts and reports




Transfer Database data to a spreadsheet




     Presentation and Design (PowerPoint)




Create a multimedia presentation




Insert text using various size, color, format and style




Select and insert graphics




Modify a graphic (crop, resize)




Create an animation




Insert animations or video




Create links to other slides




Research and Information Searching




Search and locate information from a variety of electronic sources (Internet, EBSCO, etc.)




Gather information from multiple electronic sources (Internet, EBSCO, etc.)




Use and refine search strategies in order to narrow the results




Evaluate information gathered to determine its reliability