Carroll Community School District
Annual Individual Career Development Plan

Name of teacher: _____John Semprini________________
Name of evaluator: _____Jerry Raymond________________
Date plan was developed: ____Sept. 29, 2006____

Goal #1 for Professional Growth:
To increase the use of updated technology in my classroom that will help students be successful in today’s changing world.  

Rationale: Why did you choose to enhance your growth in this area? (Include the data sources used to determine the need for this goal.)
It is important to stay updated in the use of technologies that will help students succeed in the future. Our computer lab has been updated to G4 machines running system 10. I will need to be ready to upgrade the programs, program use, and curriculum that will keep students in line with other successful technology programs around the country.

List the building/district goal:
Long-range Goal 4: All K-12 students will demonstrate the ability to use and apply technology for success beyond high school.

Describe the actions you plan to take to accomplish this professional growth goal:
Do online research that will keep me up to date on the latest technology trends and curriculum that have been successful.
Work with technology coordinators and instructors on what has been successful in their school districts.
Work with Area Education Association to stay updated on software.

Describe how these training and learning opportunities will contribute to the district career development plan and the district/building goal:
By upgrading the technology program at Carroll Middle School, the students will be more successful in High School, College, and their future work place.

List supports and resources that will be needed (time, access to training, peer coaching opportunities, etc.):
Professional development time to communicate with technology professionals, and do online research. Time to write updated lessons for using technology.

Identify the criteria for determining that this goal has been met (use measurable and observable terms):
The students will create computer projects that create information in universal format that can be transferred without losing data. They need to save artifacts (pictures, video, sounds) to the project folder using the correct title extentions. (.jpg, .mov, .wpt, .xma) This will allow the project to be moved without losing data. This is an important web creating skill. They will transfer images (charts) from spreadsheets to a paint program and save as jpeg images for later use.

Describe the educational benefits you expect to acquire as a result of you implementation of this professional development plan:
Learn new ways to prepare students in the areas of technology that will engage them and prepare them for the future.

List the Iowa Teaching Standards and Criteria that will be addressed by these learning opportunities:
1b, 1f, 2a, 2d, 3c, 3d, 3e, 4d, 4e, 4f, 5c, 7b, 7c,

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