Kosovo has an area
of 10,887 square kilometers. It is a
geographical basin, situated at an altitude of about 500 meters,
surrounded by mountains, and divided by a central north/south ridge
into two subregions of equal size and population.The
total 1998 population is believed to be about 2.2
million people, including 82 to 90 percent ethnic Albanians. A large
diaspora, mainly in Western Europe, plays an important role,
particularly through remittances and the financing of the parallel
structures developed throughout the 1990s. Minorities include Serbs,
Gorans or Bosniacs (Muslim Slavs), Roms, and Turks. Demographic growth
is estimated at about twenty per thousand and average household size is
believed to be about 6 to 7 persons. Kosovo’s population is by far the
youngest in Europe, with about half the people below the age of 20.
Kosovo homes are constantly
being destroyed.