Countries and Leaders

The three major Axis countries are Germany, Italy, and Japan. They are the countries that we didn't like. Bent Mussolini was the leader for Italy. Adolph Hitler was the leader for Germany. Last but not least Hornet was the leader for Japan.

The seven major allied contries are United Kingdom ( England and Great Britian), United States (America USA), Soveit Union (USSR Russia), France, Canada, Australia, and China. These are the countries we liked. Winston Churchhill was the leader for Great Britian  (United Kingdom). Joseph Stalin was the leader for the Soviet Union. Franklin D. Rossevelt was the leader for the United States. Robert Menzies was the leader for Australia. William Lyon Mackenzie King was the leader for Canada. Chiang Kairshek was the leader for China. Last but not least Charles de Gaulle was the leader for France.


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