Fun Facts

Shawn Johnson's parents names are Doug and Teri Johnson. Shawn was born on January 19, 1992. Shawn's middle name is Machel. Shawn is 4'10". Her favorite color is red or purple (some people say).
Her favorite band is Rascal Flatts. Her favorite drink is Coke Cola. Her Favorite Athletes: Lance Armstrong, Shawn White, Michael Phelps and Apolo Ohno.
    She has 3 pets. 1 dog and 2 cats. Her dog's name is Tucker. Her cats names are Max and Vern. Shawn is an animal lover. Her favorite animal is a dog.
    Her first car was a 1996 Jeep.
  She does not believe in "lucky charms".  She doesn't have a boyfriend. She has a Black Berry Pearl.
    If she could play another sport it would be diving. If she could add another sport to the Olympics it would be dancing. Her Favortie reality show is Bachelor. Her favortie TV show is Will and Grace. Her Favorite TV show as a kid was Tom & Jerry.
     The Number of text messeges she sends per week is 40.
Her internet time per week is 1 hour (not a big internet person). She knows 5 people that has a iphone. If she had to choose video games or books she picked books. If she had to choose wheat or white bread she would choose white.  If she had to choose East or West she picked midwest. She said,"Iowa is the best state ever. A lot of people think there's only corn here but thats not true."
     Her Favorite place to travel outside the U.S. is London.
Her biggest fear is losing a family member.
 Her pet peeve is disorganization. Her Favorite brand of jeans is Ambercrombie& lucky brands.
 Herfavorite dish to cook is Potato Salad, baking.

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