Singing Career
- Miley Cyrus says that singing is her life.
- Her favorite singers are Hilary Duff, Kelly Clarkson, Ashley
Simpson,and Melissa Etheridge.
- Miley says that she really doesn't have a favorite song.
- Once Miley even said that she never wanted to sing again but soon
she changed her mind.
- She says that she likes every single song of the Jonas Brothers
every one of them is her favorite.
- Her father Billy Ray Cyrus is her most favorite person and singer
in her life.
- Miley once got to sing with the Jonas Brothers she says thats was
her best concert ever.
- Miley's favorite musicals are High School Musical 1, 2, and 3.
- One of my opinions is that Mileys family really encourages her to
sing that's why she's good at it.
- One of my facts is that Miley is a very good singer.
- My favorite song that she sings is called Fly on the Wall.
- My least favorite song that she sings is Best of Both Worlds.

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