Fun Things She Does
Every summer Miley gets a week off of her career to go on vacation to Orlando, Florida  on a beach called Daytona Beach with a beautiful sunset she says. Miley gets free tickets to any concert she wants to and takes her best pal Lily known as Emily Osment.   Billy Ray Cyrus said that she always gets voted on the top 20 of pop of every single year since the day she started singing. Whenever Miley wants a pet she gets one since shes so good at her career. Miley even got to meet the co stars of High School Musical of 1, 2, and 3. She says Zac Efron was the sweetest one of the group of guys. Once or twice on tour Miley even got to sing and talk with the Jonas Brothers Nick, Joe, and Kevin. Miley liked Nick the best. She even dated him for two whole years.

Since Miley has Trace as a half brother from Metro Station, she gets to also go on tour with him. This year ( 2009) shes making a movie called Hannah Montana movie. Every time Miley says that  when she does her best her father gives her a one hundred (100) dollar bill or he gives her a check that says 100 dollars on it. Every one should think that she is a good singer. My 2 favorite singers are Miley Cyrus and especially Taylor Swift but mostly Taylor Swift.

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