Miley Cyrus was voted 1st on Top Ten
Teen Star Countdown in 2008.
She broke up with her boyfriend named Nick Jonas.
3 dogs named Loco, Juicy and her
newest dog Minnie Pearl.
Her lucky charms are charm bracelets that her mother gives her.
Her birthplace is Franklin,Tennessee.
Mileys nickname is Sissy Joe.
She was born November 23,1992 and she is also 16 years old.
Miley's says that pink isn't just a color its an attitude.
Miley's favorite kind of drink is called fuse.
Miley's brothers names are Christopher and Trace.
Miley's step brother named Trace is from the band called Metro Station.
She says that her favorite video game is Guitar Hero.
Her favorite ice cream is cookie dough.
People say that she is a vegetarian.
Miley gets $300.00 for her allowance very single Monday.
Miley's godmother is Dolly Parton.
Miley's sign is Sagittarius.
Her two favorite colors are blue and purple.
Miley is 5 foot 5.
Miley's favorite tic tacs are purple and green.

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