Her Life
- She plays guitar and is learning how to play the piano.
- Miley says her most favorite songs are Acky Breaky Heart by Billy
Ray Cyrus and Kelly Clarksons albums.
- She is known as Hannah Montana a secret popstar her friends are
the only ones who know that shes a popstar.
- Mileys favorite concert is the Best of Both Worlds concert.
- In Hannah Montana, Miley has a weird brother named Jackson and he
works at a shop called Ricos.
- Rico who owns Ricos has a really big crush on Miley Stewart and
Lily Truscot.
- Mileys familys names are Robby, Miley, and Jackson, also
you can count Lily and Oliver.
- You can find Hannah Montana on Disney Channel at five or five
thirty or six o'clock.
- Miley says that when she sings she feels that the world is
moving ( or orbiting) really fast.
- On one of the episodes Miley doesn't know that shes dreaming
about how Lily has a really big crush on Jackson.
- Mileys real name is not Miley Ray Cyrus it is Destiny Hope Cyrus.
- Miley and her friend Mandy have made a show called the Miley and
Mandy show.
- Mileys favorite sport is Cheerleading.
- Mileys favorite hobby is shopping at the

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