Fifth Grade Projects

Bridge Challenge
Click on the link above to take you to information about the bridge project.

Unsolved Mysteries
For this unit, the students were to record facts and theories about their topic as they researched. Once their research was complete, the students then used reasoned judgement to draw their own conclusions about their topic. Click below to see the great presentations the students created.
Marissa-Salem Witch Trials
Somer-Amelia Earhart
Tanner and Justin- Bermuda Triangle
Colton and Max- Kennedy Shooting
Mariah, Paige, Lauren- Lindbergh baby kidnapping
Taryn-Salem Witch Trials
Miles-Black Holes
Kody and Dylan- Jersey Devil
Brennan- Bermuda Triangle
Will- Curse of King Tut

Leadership Unit
<>Students in GT were asked to create a skit about being a leader in school. The 2 classes came up with scenerios of things that might happen in a school, created the dialogue, and finally made their skit into a movie. Click on a link below to take you to that class movie.


Click on the words below to take you to explanations of the projects and pictures of students.

Images of Greatness Unit

Bridges Unit

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