Day 8 - Paris, Last Day
The day started with quick trip on the metro and we popped up near the Arc De Triomphe: Ah, another group picture as we approach the Arch. The Arch is even more massive than pictures show.

Whoa, Jim!!! Time for another power walk.

Another trip to the Lourve, after a long exciting wait they told us it was closed!! Workers went on strike. The a bus trip to Versieye. Also closed because of the strike. But we did explore the grardens and pools. Garden pic #3, Garden pic #4

Paris at Twilight - boat trip on the Seane. Everyone seems to be enjoying the trip.

Eiffel Tower: The symbol of Pairs, visible from almost everywhere. During the daylight hours, it looks like a tower of brown steel but at night, it transforms into a beautiful sight. From above, the city of Pairs is beautiful at night. So is the tower. Our luck holds true again. We can only take the lift to the second level because the top level was closed. However, some of the group was content just "touching" the massive steel legs on the second level ; )

Day 9
