NAME:     Scott Duhrkopf                                  POSITION:   Mathematics

OBSERVATION DATE:     12-19-07                     REVIEW DATE: 1-2-08


A criterion observed during the observation is in bold.


Iowa Teaching Standards


Standard 1:  Demonstrates ability to enhance academic performance and support for implementation of the school district student achievement goals.

a.      Provides evidence of student learning to students, families, and staff.

b.      Implements strategies supporting student, building, and district goals.

c.       Uses student performance data as a guide for decision-making.

d.      Accepts and demonstrates responsibility for creating a classroom culture that supports the learning of every student.

e.       Creates an environment and mutual respect, rapport, and fairness.

f.        Participates in and contributes to a school culture that focuses on improved student learning.

g.      Communicates with students, families, colleagues, and communities effectively and accurately.




a.   Scott keeps all of his powerschool information up-to-date and accurate. Scott as well has one of the most well developed web pages specifically showcasing his efforts with the rocket project with the physics class.

b.   Strategy implementation

      During the lesson that I observed, I noticed Scott using visual cues for the students by coding different portions of the equation that he was demonstrating on the board for emphasis. Multiple strategies are used throughout the units as indicated by student needs.

1c.       Scott has taken into consideration the item analysis results of our Standardized Tests to determine deficiencies in the math portion of the ITED tests.

d.      Your classroom is always orderly and very organized. Your room is very stimulating with the rockets on display and the puzzles that you have collected surrounding the room. I as well commend you on the ‘non-traditional’ way you have your tables arranged. This criterion as well has to do with differentiation of instruction, and during the lesson, I noted that you told students that there were different ways to come to the solution, but you were showing them the one that you recommended.  Students are made aware of the fact that there is more than one way to solve a problem.

e.       Your web page is an exemplary example of communication. You keep your powerschool information up to date. The exceptional level of student ability lends itself to completion of this criterion.

1f.       Scott, you are an extremely dedicated staff member and a very important member/leader in the Math department. Your experience and expertise is much valued. The relationship with and respect that you have from your students and colleagues are commendable.

1g.      Scott, you have presented the Math portion of the BAP to the school board as well as our staff. Your relationship with your students and your attention to powerschool updating is evidence of this criterion.



Standard 2:  Demonstrates competencies in content knowledge appropriate to the teaching position.

a.   Understands and uses key concepts, underlying themes, relationships and different perspectives related to the content area.

b.   Uses knowledge of student development to make learning experiences in the content area meaningful and accessible for every student.

c.   Relates ideas and information within and across content areas.

d.   Understands and uses instructional strategies that are appropriate to the content area.





a.   Scott, you are well aware of the District standards and benchmarks for your curricular area.  In a conversation with you the day of the observation, you noted that the Standards and Benchmarks for the higher-level math were not really identified in our current S & B.  You need to continue working on your curriculum maps. I believe your experience and expertise combined are definite qualifiers for these criteria.

2b. This is done using the Math test, of which you were instrumental in developing, that is given as well as Item Analysis of ITED’s and NWEA standardized tests. You as well provide input to students as to what Math Class they should register for. The projects that you do in physics class are ones that students not only learn and benefit from, they are remembered and internalized as well.

d.   There is no question in my mind that you have mastered this criterion. Due to the nature of the upper level courses you teach, and your expertise, I am certain that you are as well aware of the most effective strategies to utilize.



Standard 3:  Demonstrates competence in planning and preparing for instruction. The teacher . . .

a.      Utilizes student achievement data, local standards, and the district curriculum in planning for instruction.

b.      Sets and communicates high expectations for social, behavioral, and academic success of all students.

c.       Selects strategies to engage all students in learning.

d.      Uses available resources, including technologies, in the development and sequencing of instruction.




3a3a. This is evident in the data analysis that you are constantly a part of.  Scott as well re-teaches concepts that students struggle with and makes himself available to students before and after school and as well during homeroom to assist with homework.

b.   I believe that you truly care about the students and their acquisition of the lessons and concepts you are teaching. The high expectations coupled with the rigor in your classroom contribute to a very high level culture in your classroom.

c.   The nature of your subject determines a great deal of this criterion. I do believe that you use the students/classes progress as indicators for where you need to move next. You are overwhelmingly aware of the fact that until students master certain concepts, you cannot move on.

d.   Refer to 1B

e.   The T-I84 calculators and the implementation of those in the classroom are as well an advantage that our students experience due to your dedication and expertise in this area.



Standard 4: Uses strategies to deliver instruction that meet the multiple learning needs of students.  The teacher . . .

a.      Aligns classroom instruction with local standards and district curriculum.

b.      Uses research-based instructional strategies that address the full range of cognitive levels.

c.       Demonstrates flexibility and responsiveness in adjusting instruction to meet student needs.

d.      Engages students in varied experiences that meet diverse needs and promote social, emotional, and academic growth.

e.       Connects students’ prior knowledge, life experiences, and interests in the instructional process.

f.        Uses available resources, including technologies, in the delivery of instruction.





a.   Your curriculum is aligned with local Standards and Benchmarks, District as well as

Building Goals. You presented the BAP to the School Board and were able to field questions on behalf of your department.

b.  Refer to 1B  

c.       Scott has created an Independent Math class to address the needs of advanced students that have already completed all of the current offerings and still desire math in their senior year. Scott has the ability due to his experience and expertise to recognize times when instruction needs to be adjusted to facilitate deeper understanding.

d. Scott, you are an exemplar in the classroom and have set high standards for the department as well as the students with the Rocket unit. Feedback from college students indicates that you are preparing them very well for the rigor in college.     

 e.   Your classes are dependent on the Math classes that are prerequisites to yours. Math is a natural for fulfillment of this criterion.

f.   Refer to 3e



Standard 5: Uses a variety of methods to monitor student learning.

a.      Aligns classroom assessment with instruction.

b.      Communicates assessment criteria and standards to all students and parents.

c.       Understands and uses the results of multiple assessments to guide planning and instruction.

d.      Guides students in goal setting and assessing their own learning.

e.       Provides substantive, timely, and constructive feedback to students and parents.

f.        Works with other staff and building and district leadership in analysis of student progress.






a.   This is evident in the quizzes, tests and semester exams that Scott uses.  

5b. Parent Teacher conferences, power school and parent contact as requested are examples of how Scott meets this criterion.

c.   Refer to 5a.

d.   Student learning is a constant in here and is used to indicate the level at which the student is currently at. Scott uses his past experience with Math and his career to give real-life examples relevant to what the students may encounter or pursue post-secondary.  

5e. I have a goal to get assignments graded and returned to the students by the next class period. I enter grades and assignments onto Powerschool daily.

5f.    The Math department is an example for all departments at CHS. We can always count on the Math department to use Professional Development time wisely when it comes to analyzing data. You have provided great insight into the data interpretation of in particular that ITED item analysis. You are also well-versed in ACT preparation and have unselfishly given of your time to this effort.





Standard 6: Demonstrates competence in classroom management.

a.      Creates a learning community that encourages positive social interaction, active engagement, and self-regulation for every student.

b.      Establishes, communicates, models and maintains standards of responsible student behavior.

c.       Develops and implements classroom procedures and routines that support high expectations for learning.

d.      Uses instructional time effectively to maximize student achievement.

e.       Creates a safe and purposeful learning environment.




a.   Refer to 1g.

6b. Scott, you have presented the Math portion of the BAP to the school board as well as our staff. Your relationship with your students and your attention to powerschool updating is evidence of this criterion.

c.   On the day of the observation as well as any other time Steve or I have been in your classroom, students have been very actively engaged and on task.

6d. Scott, I believe you teach bell to bell and accomplish a great deal each day and throughout the semester and the year. 

6e. There has never been a time that I have been in your room that I have not seen you either presenting or assisting students with their work. Great job. 





Standard 7: Engages in professional growth

a.      Demonstrates habits and skills of continuous inquiry and learning.

b.      Works collaboratively to improve professional practice and student learning.

c.       Applies research, knowledge, and skills from professional development opportunities to improve practice.

d.      Establishes and implements professional development plans based upon the teacher needs aligned to the Iowa’s Teaching Standards and district/building student achievement goals.





a. The acquisition of the TI-84 calculators and their capabilities has given you opportunities to explore options for implementation into the classroom. Scott has included a couple of the links in his Professional Development Goal Plan that he uses to help develop lesson plans for incorporating the TI-84+. The first is the Texas Instrument site, and the second is for NUMB3RS.

7b7b. You are an effective contributor to the Protocol Process. You have worked very closely with your department in the acquisition of the calculators, and I believe you take pride when your students experience success. You are an important force in the analysis of data for the Math department.

c.   Scott attends the annual state Science Conference and participates in all staff development.  

7d. Your Individual Career Development Plan Goal is:


Year 1- Match my classroom objectives with the High School Standard and benchmarks for Math and Science

Year 2- Goal modified to incorporate the use of TI-84 calculators.Graphing calculators are in support of Math and Science as well as Technology support.

Year 3- Continue current goal. Refer further to below.







Standard 8: Fulfils professional responsibilities established by the school district.


a.      Adheres to board policies, district procedures, and contractual obligations.

b.      Demonstrates professional and ethical conduct as defined by state law and individual district policy.

c.       Contributes to efforts to achieve district and building goals.

d.      Fosters an appreciation and respect for diversity.

e.       Communicates effectively and accurately,

f.        Collaborates with students, families, colleagues, and communicates to enhance student learning.





a.   Your attendance is commendable.  You are prompt each day and abide by District rules and contractual obligations. Please make sure you are always supervising the hallway and in your room when students are. I believe you are a very ethical person and set a great example for students and staff alike.

b.   Evident.

8c. I have presented the Math portion of the BAP to the school board as well as our staff.

8d. Male and Female diversity of math exists and this year Scott has more than half females on his class rosters. Scott has at least one or two foreign exchange students per year.

e.       See 1d

f.        You are an extremely effective communicator with the upper level students that you teach. You use staff development time wisely when you are working with your department in particularly in the analyzing of data, which definitely is used to enhance student learning.




Evaluator's Signature: Tammie McKenzie                                 

Position: Assistant High School Principal      


Evaluatee's Signature: Scott Duhrkopf_________________________

Date: _______________                                                    _______


(Signing of the evaluation document indicates this completed form has been discussed in a conference with the employee.  It does not necessarily indicate that the employee concurs or disagrees with its contents.)





What were you most pleased with after teaching the lesson?

The students seemed to understand the concept without too much trouble. It was just the first day so they probably were more in shock than anything else.


Which activities in this lesson do you feel fostered high involvement?

This lesson did not have much involvement from the student until I moved around the room to check for understanding.


What insights have you gained about how your teaching affects your students’ behavior and/or achievement?

I can change the mood of the room at any time with the type of questions I ask or the behavior I exhibit. There are times when it is time to relax and others time to get down to business. Some students though just can’t handle any free time to work on their assignments.


What supports will you need to continue to work on those areas of concern to you?

As I think about Standard 2 and the need for me to verify your competency in meeting the standard centered on content knowledge, how will I know that you are meeting this standard?


The best way for you to find out is visit my classroom. I struggle coming up with specific examples because they are second nature to me anymore.


Standard 4 places emphasis on using strategies to deliver instruction that meet the multiple learning needs of students. I would say that in this standard there is an emphasis on differentiation of instruction, One way to do that would be with ensuring that the research-based strategies you use address the multiple cognitive levels of all students. Please share with me to what level and the way that you fulfill this criterion.


I honestly don’t focus on whether everything I do is a research-based strategy that you can find in a book. I feel that I am constantly researching whether my strategies are working and change them to fit the needs of the student. I have taken several activities from our training and implemented them accordingly. If you are looking for fancy names I guess I could come up with them.


I would as well like you to comment on what specific measures you are taking this year to comply with the new Homeroom format and some specific examples of how you have made a difference in the school lives of any of the students you have in your homeroom.


I am doing my best to follow the homeroom program. I have forgotten to do a couple of activities or modified them to fit the makeup of my homeroom. Generally, I am concentrating the majority of my time to improving my academic programs and the time I have left is spent on homeroom and that usually is not very much.


As far as making a difference in the school lives of my students in homeroom I honestly don’t know if I have. I feel that I haven’t had enough time to make what I would consider a difference. The students might have a different opinion.


Individual Career Development Plan Update



Year 1- Match my classroom objectives with the High School Standard and benchmarks for Math and Science


Here is the link to my website that has the objectives matched with the standards. Just click on the class and go to the syllabus link.


Year 2- Goal modified to incorporate the use of TI-84 calculators. Graphing calculators are in support of Math and Science as well as Technology support.


Here are a couple of the links I use to help me develop lesson plans for incorporating the TI-84+. The first is the Texas Instrument site, and the second is for NUMB3RS.


Year 3- Continue current goal.