Math History Assignment


Part 1:


In an effort to greatly advance your knowledge of the origins of mathematics, I have given you a blue worksheet listing 36 milestones in mathematics. Using the internet and math history books in the classroom find the approximate date of the milestone. Some dates may vary slightly from different sources. If you go to the Calculus home page you will find 2 links that will be very useful in finding the dates.


Due Date:  Monday, October 11th

Points: 72 homework points



Part 2:


Hopefully, while you complete the worksheet you encounter a topic that is interesting to you and would like to take a more in depth look at. This leads me to second part of this assignment which is to find a topic of interest in the history of mathematics and complete a PowerPoint presentation pertaining to that topic.

The presentation must include the following:

-Title page

-Topic description

-Topic relevance

                        -Source page – minimum of 3 sources, and explain their usefulness

                        -Minimum of 6 slides


Due Date:  Monday, October 25th

Points: 50 test points



*** You may use the laptops in my room to complete this assignment. Feel free to save things into the Calculus folder on the computers or use your data folder on the network. Please save your completed Powerpoint to my Calculus folder on Server-8.