Carroll Community School District

Gifted and talented Standards & Benchmarks


1. Develop an exploration of a selected course of study related to their areas of interest or to explore new areas of interest.

1.1 Uses research skills in self-directed learning.

1.2 Communicates new information both verbally and in written work.

2. Develops and utilizes their intellectual and academic abilities to their fullest potential.

2.1 Demonstrates an awareness and realistic view of his/her individual giftedness.

2.2 Develops creative and critical thinking skills.

3. Understands and applies a variety of problem solving strategies.

3.1 Explains, justifies, verifies, and defends a solution or procedure.

3.2 Determines pertinent information required to solve a problem, methods for obtaining this information, and                                                     limits of acceptable solutions.

4. Demonstrates appropriate social skills with peers and other members of society.

4.1 Demonstrates tolerance and respect for ideas and abilities that are different from his/her own.

4.2 Develops interpersonal skills to interact effectively in society.

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