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Pics of Italy
flagItaly is a great country to go and visit also. There are many great things to do and explore in Italy. As you probably already know the flag is green, white, and red. It is almost like the U.S.A. flag red, white, and blue, except for the part of green and blue.

foodOne of the great things to do there is go to a restaurant, the reason is, because that some of the most famous foods in America were founded by the country Italy, examples are pizza and spaghetti.

castle- This is one of the castles that they have in Italy the Vipiteno.

duomo-There are also many famous buildings known by America, some of these buildings/ sites that you can see there are the Leaning Tower of Pisa, and the Douno. These buildings are very interesting. The reason why I think they are interesting is because they are from history, and that is a reason why a lot of other people visit the site in Italy.

helsinki- This is one more of Italy important buildings the Helsinki, does this building remind you of a building in the U.S.A. This reminds me of the white house.
i- This is the country italy and what color the flag is, as you can see the country is in an odd shape.

rome- This is Rome in Italy, as you can see on the building the building says magrippale costereivm fecit.

church- This is one of the main churches in Italy, as you can see in the picture it is very big and tall.

One of Italy's most famous sports is futball, but in America we call this famous sport soccer, in Italy they think soccer is a great sport. It is also a very famous sport in the USA, but is called soccer as I already told you. Soccer is a very famous and popular sport played in most places around the world.

This is one of the cars made in Italy The Barabus, notice how the steering wheel is on the right side of the vehicle.

In Italy there are also very cool cars that have been made in Italy. One of these cars is the lamborgene this car is a very famous car in the US, but the only problem is it cost a lot of money to buy. Now you know some things about Italy that you probably had no idea about before. These are some great facts to express your knowledge about Italy.
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