
    The Russian religians differ greatly from Amerian. Russian Orthodox is the most practiced at 71.8%. Some of the otther include Muslim 5.5%, Catholic 1.8%, Protestant 0.7%, Buddhist 0.6%, Jewish 0.3%, Other 0.9%. Alot of the poulation almost 20%, are athiest at 18.9%. Russia is the largest country with a total of 6.5 million sq. mi. of land. It is over 6.5 million sq. mi. larger than any other. Its population density is 22 per sq. mi. Russias population is mostly urban. The population of russia has been declining from 148.5 million people in 1192 to 142.2 million in 2006. There are more than 100 languages in russia, but the most prominant is russain with which 99% understand. Most russians fifteen and over can read and write that is  99.4%.Russia is said to have the highest growth rates of HIV infection in the world outside Africa.


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