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Carroll Community School District
located in Carroll, Iowa consists of six academic buildings. These include: Fairview Elementary, Adams Elementary, Carroll Middle School, Carroll High School, the Agricultural Education Center, and the Alternative School.
Carroll Community School District
1026 North Adams Street
Carroll, Iowa 51401
District Office Phone: 712-792-8001
District Administration
Mr. Rob Cordes, Superintendent
Carroll High School
2809 North Grant Road
Carroll, Iowa 51401
Phone: 712-792-8010
Mr. Steve Haluska, Principal
Adams Elementary School
1026 North Adams Street
Carroll, Iowa 51401
Phone: 712-792-8040
Mrs. Sue Ruch, Principal
Carroll Middle School
3203 North Grant Road
Carroll, Iowa 51401
Phone: 712-792-8020
Mr. Jerry Raymond, Principal
Fairview Elementary School
18th & North Grant Road
Carroll, Iowa 51401
Phone: 712-792-8030
Mrs. Sue Ruch, Principal